My background is in painting, but some of my work has gradually become more sculptural. The medium, however, has remained constant—acrylic paint. Nothing is added or embedded, and the paint itself serves as the only adhesive element. Using paint as a sculptural medium, rather than as a means of describing objects on a two-dimensional surface, allows me to question the nature of painting.
Over time I have developed a technique for casting acrylic paint to create reliefs and three-dimensional objects. While creating these castings, I have accumulated a great deal of residual material—test pieces, paint scraps, and trimmings. I have spilled, stacked, and woven this material, creating a variety of “paintings” from these fragments.
In all of this work, I am exploring paint's possibilities for formal beauty. Even though my work is conceptual in orientation and intriguing in its labor-intensive process, first and foremost, I hope to create something that is visually engaging.